Colombia, La Muralla - Filter

€16,90 EUR

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Flavour Notes: Citrus Fruits, Cranberry, Herbal
Origin: San Agustin, Huila, Colombia
Producer: Multiple
Processing: Washed
Variety: Papayo, Pink Bourbon
Altitude: 1700-1900 m.a.s.l.
Roast Profile: Filter Roast

La Muralla is an informal group of young producers in one of Huila's southernmost municipalities, San Agustín. On average, this is the youngest group of producers , most are in their mid to late 20's. With that youth comes the energy and passion for producing high-end specialty coffee.

This is our second time buying from lots from the group making up La Muralla through our partners at Osito, who have been working with the farmers in this region of San Agustin for a long time. They have made it a priority to find and promote local, quality producers and with think this lot is a great example of that ideology.

This mixed lot of Papayo & Pink Bourbon showcases the vibrant zest of citrus fruits, the tart brightness of cranberry, and a refreshing herbal undertone, creating a dynamic and well-balanced flavor experience.

250g €/kg: €67.6
1kg €/kg: €59.9
All coffees come as whole beans.

If you need a coffee grinder we highly recommend purchasing the Fellow Ode Grinder.

All prices include mwst.
For shipping rates: Shipping Information

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